2015 BJCP Style Guidelines Now Live on Brewer’s Friend - Brewer's Friend
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2015 BJCP Style Guidelines Now Live on Brewer’s Friend

Thursday, November 5th, 2015

BJCPWe’re pleased to announce that we now have support for the 2015 BJCP style guidelines on Brewer’s Friend starting today.  Here is the set of styles that’s included in the update:



Since the styles are quite different from the previous set, we decided it would be best to not automatically modify existing recipes.  This means that your existing recipes will remain in their current (old) style guidelines, so any information related to their adherence to style guidelines, etc. is preserved.  If you wish to update your recipes to a new style guideline, simply edit the recipe, choose one of the 2015 styles and save.

On the recipe editor, you’ll notice that there are two main lists of styles now: the current set, and Pre-2015 BJCP.  If you’d like to continue using the old guidelines or need them for backwards compatibility, they’re still at the bottom of the main category list for your use.

We’re excited to have the latest and greatest styles available and hope this is a seamless addition for everyone.  But if you run into any problems in using these or building recipes, please don’t hesitate to reach out:




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