2 litre of Water is boiled. 2 gm of salt is added to make the Na and Chloride balanced. Cool the temperature down to 20 deg Centigrade before mixeing honey and cool down to 20 deg to pitch the honey.
Water Quality:
Here I have outlined the average values of the most important parameters related to brewing waters: 56 ppm Ca, 16.5 ppm Mg, 9.2 ppm Na, 75 ppm SO4, 11.9 ppm Cl, 218 ppm CaCo3, <0.01 ppm Fe, <0.0005 ppm Mn, 0.1 ppm Nitrate and <0.003 ppm of Nitrite, 0.0006 ppm of Copper.
144 ppm of Bicarbonet (Hco3), level 7.8 is higher than the optimum mash pH level of 5.2-5.6 level. |