Lockdown link juice - Beer Recipe - Brewer's Friend

Brewer's Friend


Lockdown link juice

125 calories 12.8 g 330 ml
Beer Stats
Method: Partial Mash
Style: No Profile Selected
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 23 liters (fermentor volume)
Pre Boil Size: 11 liters
Post Boil Size: 5 liters
Pre Boil Gravity: 1.086 (recipe based estimate)
Post Boil Gravity: 1.189 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 70% (brew house)
Calories: 125 calories (Per 330ml)
Carbs: 12.8 g (Per 330ml)
Created: Sunday April 26th 2020
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
1.50 kg Briess - LME Golden Light1.5 kg LME Golden Light 37.6 4 40%
0.50 kg Ireland - Lager Malt0.5 kg Lager Malt 37 2 13.3%
0.25 kg United Kingdom - Maris Otter Pale0.25 kg Maris Otter Pale 38 3.75 6.7%
0.25 kg Belgian - Caramel Pils0.25 kg Caramel Pils 34 8 6.7%
0.25 kg American - Aromatic Malt0.25 kg Aromatic Malt 35 20 6.7%
0.25 kg Flaked Corn0.25 kg Flaked Corn 40 0.5 6.7%
0.75 kg American - Aromatic Malt0.75 kg Aromatic Malt 35 20 20%
3.75 kg / 0.00
Target Water Profile
Balanced Profile
Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ Cl- SO4-2 HCO3-
0 0 0 0 0 0
Mash Chemistry and Brewing Water Calculator
Quick Water Requirements
Water Liters
Heat water added to kettle (equipment estimates 11.9 L) 12.2
Mash volume with grains (equipment estimates 11.9 L) 13.7
Grain absorption losses (steeping) -2.3
Mash Lauter Tun losses -0.9
Volume increase from sugar/extract (early additions) 1
Pre boil volume (equipment estimates 10.7 L) 11
Boil off losses -5.7
Post boil volume 5
Top off amount 18
Going into fermentor 23
WARNING: Kettle losses > 2% detected which throw off OG calculation for extract/partial mash recipes in batch target 'fermentor' mode. Solution: Reduce kettle losses, misc losses and hops absorption in equipment profile, OR set batch target to 'kettle' and do a full wort boil. See batch target FAQ.  
Total: 30.2  
Equipment Profile Used: System Default
"Lockdown link juice" No Profile Selected beer recipe by Dave wakeling. Partial Mash, ABV 4.05%, IBU 0, SRM 7.68, Fermentables: (LME Golden Light, Lager Malt, Maris Otter Pale, Caramel Pils, Aromatic Malt, Flaked Corn)
Last Updated and Sharing
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  • Public: Yup, Shared
  • Last Updated: 2020-04-26 15:40 UTC