Note: Unmalted wheat in the recipe is Danish Unmalted spelt (unavailable on malt list here).
NOTE: Actual efficiency for this brew =61%. Adjust accordingly. Efficiency drop due to high mash temp and large unmalted portion.
CPH tap. No adjustments.
6ml lactic (4 strike/ 2 sparge)
13L strike water
8L sparge
Strike at 79C for 71C target.
60min rest
Mash out at 77C.
Sparge with hot tap water (50C).
Collect 17L.
60 min
Hops in per schedule.
Chill to sub 40C. Move wort to FV, then to ferm fridge to come to pitch temp.
Pitch ~500ml of TYB Funktown starter.
Ferment @18C for 5 days. Raised to 20C for another week following.
50g oktawia
50g pulawski
Added after 7 days for 3 days
Brewed 19/05/2020
12L strike water. 4ml lactic
Strike temp: 79.5C
Mash temp start: 72.5C
End temp: 69C
Mashed out at 78C
Sparged with 9L. 2ml lactic. 10min to avoid too much beta amalase conversion.
Kettle full at 17L (3L extra of sparge running boiled separately).
NOTE: these extra 3L were not required to "liquor back" with as the efficiency was much lower than the 75% calculated. High mash temp/high unmalted grist with no protein rest = low efficiency.
Boiled for 75mins. Hops in at 60min and Flameout/whirlpool.
Chilled to ~35C. KO 14L to bucket. Bucket placed in Ferment fridge set to 16-18C
OG: 1.030
Pitched 20/05/20
Approx 1L of TYB Funktown starter (gen 2) pitched.
Fermented for 5days at 16C according to wine fridge thermostat (internal temp maybe 1-2C higher).
Allowed to freerise from day 5 to 17C (perhaps 18C internally). Swirled gently to rouse yeast.
Dryhop: 27/05/2020
50g pulawski
50g oktawia
Added day 7.
Swirled gently.
Packaged: 04/06/2020
Approx 11L
Aimed for 2.3vol but probably got closer to 2.4vol theoretically. 63g table sugar, 15C actual beer temp.
Left warm for days. Then moved to C basement.
FG: 1.008
ABV: 2.89% (fuck yeah)