Based on Jester King Das Wunderkind! Saison... (see
Primary ferment with your favorite Saison yeast (start in mid-60s for a couple days, then let free rise into the high 70s; only use foil over carboy opening to avoid “Saison stall”) in a 5 gallon carboy. They blend in 15% oak-aged sour beer, before the dry hop, so you could try that to get more authentic. But I’m just going to transfer to secondary (3.0 gallons) and add JK bottle dregs to finish fermenting bone dry and tart (the IBU level should keep it from getting too sour, hopefully). Dry hop right before packaging. They use Simcoe, but I think Denali or Azacca would be nice here...
As an experiment, could split batch and ferment one as stated above (staggered: sacc first, then dregs second), and the other copitched with sacc and dregs at the same time.