I chose a Gose for a nice smooth sour that can be drank anytime of the year. The grain i used was a 50/50 blend of pilsner and wheat. this is a very easy and traditional grain bill. I was not looking for anything from the grain to stand out anyways so i wanted it simple. The mash water to grist ratio is pretty high because i dint want a stuck mash with all the wheat. I also added lactic acid to the mash water to lower the pH to 5.4. The hops i used are not very traditional but i wanted the orange flavor from the hops to match well with the coriander and salt. The hops only have 15 IBU we shouldnt get much of aroma or flovor since they are added in the beginning. I am adding corpse ground coriander and salt to the last 10 min of the boil for a traditional gose flavor. I am fermenting with a german ale yeast and souring with a lacto brevis since it is hop resistant.