Belgian IPA with a lot of whirlpool hops. Let's do warrior and calypso, see what happens.
MJ41 ferments incredibly dry (diastaticus), so the brett has little to eat. Start the ferment on the cooler side, as MJ41 is very belgiany. Ramp up the temperature to 25 degrees to ensure complete attenuation quickly. Pitch some brett from the get-go and see what it does. Don't dry hop it as it would probably be a waste.
Boiled for 90 minutes. Pitched MJ41 and dregs from a bottle of Orval.
After 10 days in bottle:
Brett coming through a lot, very nice. Really hoppy and a nice thick body from the rye. Not bitter at all. Taste of pear, bitter orange peel and brett funk. Really thick body with great lacing considering the recipe. Carbonation is pretty low, will be higher after a month or 3 of aging. Very nice already, although more belgian blond than Saison.
After a few months:
This is awesome. Brett is coming through very nicely. Tastes like hay smells. Some barnyard, Funky. The hops are not overpowering. Malt is balanced. Rye makes it just viscous enough so it's not too dry. I might make this again exactly like it's now. Orange peel taste is mostly gone, but a strong pear and barnyard taste is coming through.
The bitterness is very special, it's sticking on the palate for a long time. Is this the Co-humulone from the calypso? If so will definitely use it again. I like the pear/citrus taste, very refreshing. Hops don't clash with the brett. Turns out more like a hybrid between IPA / orval and belgian blonde. Bart Jan called it a tropical Orval. Highly carbonated now, has a brilliant foam. Make sure there is little sediment in the bottle or the WILL be gushers.