Fruit Prep:
-Defrost fruit
-Clean fruit with sanitized water
-Mash up fruit
-Refreeze fruit
Brew Day 1
-Hold 2 gallons of purified water at between 145-160F
-Put grain bag around kettle pot, fill with grain and stir a few times
-Hold for 1 hour
-Squeeze grain bag out over kettle pot
-Put grain bag in bucket and poor purified 170F water overtop until covered
-Let sit for 10 minutes then squeeze out the bag and poor water into kettle pot
Boil 1
-Fill kettle pot up with purified water
-Boil for 15 minutes to sanitize wort
-Cool and maintain at 86-104F (optimal 95-100F).
-Add sour pitch
-Cover top of kettle pot with saran wrap and put in plugged sink
-Fill with boiling water occasionally to maintain temperature
-Sour to taste
Brew Day 2
Boil 2
-Boil for 20 minutes to kill the bugs
-Add Bittering (Centennial) hops at 20 minutes
-Add 4 pods worth of cardamom seeds at 5mins.
-Add Flavouring hops (Mosaic, Amarillo) at 0 minutes
> remember that special hops are 2X as potent as regular hops at same weight.
-Cool to correct temperature on yeast package
-Add water to buckets but leave room for fruit
-Pitch yeast
Additions (after 1 week)
Dry Hop/Fruit/Vanilla
-Put fruit evenly in grain bags and let it defrost
-Add dry hops (Mosaic and Amarillo) evenly to hop bags
-Split open vanilla beans, scrape inside out and soak all in vodka for 10 minutes
-Transfer beer to big red bucket
-Clean fermenter buckets
-Put dry hops and fruit and vanilla beans into fermenter buckets
-Transfer beer back into fermenter buckets on top of fruit, dry hops and vanilla.
> remember that special hops are 2X as potent as regular hops at same weight.
Bottling (after 2 weeks)
-Take out fruit and hops
-Poor some measured amount of beer into a cup and add measured amount of lactose sugar to taste.
-Add equivalent ratio of lactose sugar to bottle bucket with 1 cup of priming sugar.
-Bottle as usual