internet says in general water profile for a sour doesn't matter, so will use straight city water out of the tap with 1/2 campden tablet to get rid of chloramines.
Once the preboil wort has been collected, bring the wort to a boil for 5 minutes to sanitize it. Cool with chiller to 75-95F. Add lacto, use saran wrap to cover the wort and keep oxygen out. Place lid on boil pot and move to heated area under patio table that has been enclosed and electric heater under. Set heater temp to 75-90F.
Let wort set for up to three days. After two days measure pH, target for pronounced sour target 3.2-3.4.
Bring wort back to boil to kill lacto. Add 1 oz Tettnand hops. Boil 60 min.
Chill and transfer to carboy, aerate and add yeast as typical.
substituted Saaz for Tetnanger hops in batch #2