On the ingredients - substitute the pale ale malt for any decent pale 2 row base malt - I just like the taste the Belgian stuff produces!
I used a 21L stockpot for mash and boil.
Lost roughly 1 litre in mash due to grain absorption.
Squeeze grain bag well on completion of mash - I was able to get 72% efficiency this method (You may need gloves). Nil sparge.
Boil loss was 3 litres per hour. Lost 0.5 litres to trub and chiller.
First and second hops additions into the hop sock. Add final hops loose at 77 degrees and whirlpool for 15 minutes prior to chilling.
Get your yeast out of the fridge to get up to room temp.
When wort is roughly 19 degrees strain With fine strainer into FV to aerate and minimise trub and hops debris.
Take a sample for OG then sprinkle yeast on top evenly and leave for 15 minutes then gently stir.
Close the lid, chuck her in your temp controlled fridge and wait!
I dry hopped at 6 days, transferred to secondary at 10.
After secondary, cold crash for a few days the keg/bottle and leave for at least 2 weeks to condition.