I started a full volume mash at 159 - too hot, and my kettle held it to 152 in 60 minutes...so I lost about 1.1 degrees per hour, but this was the first brew with a new double wall kettle. I was surprised that I didn't lose 3-5 degrees initially, but that didn't happen.
I used 4 gallons of 8.8 alkaline water and 2.5 gallons of Zero water.
12 hours in, little activity. 6 hours later - I have a decent krausen started - no CO2 production yet, so it is still reproducing. Fermentation temp is set to 63.
I had good fermentation, started 24 hours after pitching. Fermentation was basically complete 5-6 days later. I left it a few more days but did not do a diacetyl rest since this is US-05 and US-05 doesn't usually produce a lot of diacetyl. I cold crashed on Dec 24 to 38. I ended up at 1.006. After 2 days, I am ready to transfer to keg and set pressure to 12 psi.