Brewed on July 16, 2020
Grist of 98% Pilsner malt and 2% CaraHell, was mashed at 101.2° F for 20 minutes, then heated up to 122.5° F. Pulled a heavy 1/2 of thick gruel for decoction. Attempted to hold it at 149° F over flame until conversion. Deviated +/- 2 degrees. After about 20 minutes brought slowly through diastatic stages to about 180° F at which time I brought up to a boil for 10 minutes. Added back in an attempt to get main mash to 149° F. Had to add boiling water and take another decoction to achieve 149°...took about 15 minutes of dicking around to get there. I then let it rest for 50 minutes.
I then drew a second decoction, again brought it to a boil for 10 minutes, and poured it back to get to 75 °C (167° F), again needed to decoct more than once to get temp to this level. I then lautered and sparged. I need to have both a thicker mash and pull far more grist than anticipated.
A 90 minute boil. For hopping, I used Hallertau Mittelfruh hops, with additions at 70 and 40 minutes. Collected 10 gallons @ 11.5 Brix (1.046). After chilling pitched Wyeast 2308 (i.e. the Weihenstephan 308 yeast strain), and fermented at 51-52° F