Mash in and out as usual
After mash out drop kettle temperature to 45C
Droped PH with lactic Acid to 4.94
Pitch your ROOM TEMPERATURE lactobacillus cover with cling film - purge airspace and leave it.
Check it every 4 or so hours and do a Ph reading. Youre looking for somewhere around the 3.3-3.5 mark.
once pH level is right bring to a boil for 15 minutes and continue onwards like a normal brew (add hops, chill, pitch us-05, ferment)
once primary fermentation is finished rack onto any fruit additions you like (I plan on splitting batch into two and doing a blueberry and a peach.
Let sit in secondary for 8-10 days.
*watermelon reduction:(best to do this at least 3 day before racking into secondary) cut, and juice all of the flesh of the watermelon, place all of the juiced liquid and even pits of pulp into a pot and simmer until reduced by half then keep temperature above 88 degrees for 15 minutes. then place in a sterilized container and freeze until needed.