Paul Wicksteeds Recipe which is based on details that Mike Nielson from Panhead gave him. - Tony Yates on Electric Brewery System
Gladfield American Ale, Toffee and Light Crystal Malts
91% Ale Malt
5% Caramel Malt (10ebc fully crystallized malt)
4% Caramel Malt (50ebc)
Mash to achieve 1.056 - 1.012 with WPL001 or WPL810
1.5g/L each Amarillo and Simcoe @ 10 minutes and whirlpool
1g/L Centennial @ 10 minutes and whirlpool
Clean Bittering hops (Pacific Jade or Magnum) to take total IBU's to 50
Dry Hops
3g/L Citra and 1g/L Simcoe around 3 days
Ferment at 18 degrees
Further information is also here:
Mash In Add 16.37 l of water at 72.7 C 66.7 C 60 min
Mash Out Add 8.61 l of water at 94.8 C 75.6 C 10 min
Sparge: Fly sparge with 13.98 l water at 75.6 C
A cleaner ferment might bring out the hop and malt a bit more.
A tip from Kelly Ryan is to try a hybrid yeast - a California common - less esters and pulls out hops more.
I thought the bittering hop was a touch harsh which changed the mouthfeel slightly - think Bryan suggests Simone as already in the recipe.
Panhead use pacific jade from memory - other option for USA pale ales is magnum (my pref).
Just gives a smoother cleaner bitterness as a bittering addition. Simcoe can be a little harsh.
Consider longer ferment (at least 2 weeks), plenty of yeast, and a temp raise to 22 for the last few gravity points.
Mash at 65C for 60 minutes
Mash-Out at 75C
Sparge at 75C until preboil volume hits 28L
90 minute boil
Ferment 18-20C
Alternative Yeast to US-05 - White Labs - California Ale Yeast WLP001 or WLP810 San Francisco Lager Yeast