Brewed on Nov 3, 2019
I'm not sure if the mash numbers listed above correlate to the recipe, they were scaled from the base recipe to get ratios and OG set properly. To see the actual starting wort, look to the recipe "EE Base" and this reflects the final six gallons of sparge.
This beer is the small beer from a partigyle batch (look to the recipe "EE Base"). The plan is to end up with a Dark Mild on this batch and Entirely Entire on the high gravity batch. Although the idea was a Dark Mild, based upon my efficiency, it looks like I am redesigning this as an American Porter. It's a real hodge podge since it has English malt, German malt, Australian hops, and American yeast.
Started with 6 gallons of wort at 1.053, added two gallons of water to reach 1.040
1425 - Started boil and added .75 oz hops
1510 - Added .5 oz flavor hops
1525 - Added .5 oz aroma hops
Landed at 1.057 for 5 gallons. Fermented @ 60°F using repitch #1 of S-05.
November 19, 2019 - Kegged at 1.020 making attenutation less than 70%