-Bring 2.5 gallons of water to a boil. Remove from heat and add malt extract and Amarillo hops. When extract is thoroughly dissolved, return to heat.
-Add Mt Hood hops with 10 minutes left in boil.
-Cool wort at end of boil, move to fermentor and top fermentor off to 5 total gallons of wort.
-When wort is 70 degrees F, add yeast and Citra hops. Let ferment until airlock activity has slowed to 1 bubble every 1 minute.
-Bottle and enjoy in 1-2 weeks!
When topped up to 5 gallons, Original Gravity will be ~1.046 and Final Gravity will be ~1.009. This will yield ~4.9% alcohol by volume.
For more tips and tricks go to www.1strbchomebrew.com