Mash 8 Gallons
Gypsum 3.2 grams
Calcium Chloride 2 grams
Epsom salt 3.2 grams
Lactic acid 2.4 ML
Mash temp 149
Heat water to 154F
Pour in grain (not sugar) , let mash for 60 minutes, stir every 10-15 minutes.
Pull grain bag out, let all liquid fall into kettle, squeeze bag if necessary
bring beer to boil.
Once boiling (hot break) boil for 60 minutes.
at 60 mins add .45 oz apollo hops
at 15 minutes left, turn burner off and add 1 lb of sugar. make sure the burner is off or it will scorch, once it is dissolved , put your chiller in to sterilize it and turn burner back on.
You can also add whirlfloc and yeast nutrient at this time
Boil for 15 more minutes.
Cut burner off at add saaz hops.
Turn chiller on and chill beer as far as it will go.
make sure everything is sanitized at this time.
Transfer into sanitized fermentation bucket and put in your fermenting fridge
Pitch 2 packs of belle saison yeast when beer is at ferm temp. 68 degrees.
Cover airlock with santiized aluminum foil. don't add water. after 4 days remove and add water to airlock for another week.