Conditioned grain 2:30 m Sunday - 100 ml water
monday 22 July 2019 vitality starter - onto stirplate in 500ml wort at 9:45 am
26.5 litres into fermenter 17.5C - cooled straight into fermenter - 12:30 pm .
1 min o2 then pitched, set temp to 17C, lid loose.
8pm set to 18C.
10 am Tues big krausen, 18c, 12.5 Brix=1.040
5 pm Tuesday 18C 11.75 Brix=1.035 bumped temp to 19C
7:45 am wed 19C 10 brix=1.024
6pm wed 19C 7 brix=1.014, bumped to 20C
6pm thurs 19C very yeasty looks like 6 brix=1.010
10 am sat 7 brix= 1.013.5. Wed 31 July, 6.75 brix=1.013, 18C. moved to back room to crash - Thurs pm 14C
Kegged sat 3 Aug 19, plus 5.5 litres bottled, primed with 2.5 and 1.5g sucrose to 2-2.1 vols
little head - maybe wheat, carapils or flaked barley? Brew earlier - tasting better integrated end Oct. A bit hazy until October - Gelatin? 1st 2019 ACTABC as best, 3rd as strong.
4th 2019 AABC best, 7th Strong.