30 minute boil
pre boil OG was
too much water in sparge + infusion made volume too high and gravity too low
brewed on 6/30/19
yeah pretty much totally fucked up the volumes in my stupid attempt to hit right fermenter volume - guessing 3.2-3.5 gallons instead of 2.7 or so.
chilled to 75-80 then put in fridge for 2 hours at 55, then pitched gigayeast 054 vermont ipa w/o checking temp. Guessing was 60 something
no acivity 12 hours later
blew out airlock at 24 hours, cleaned and replaced
put the extra half gallon or so in another fermenter and pitched maybe 15% of the gigayeast to make a starter I'll use for next bach
had 4.5 gallons'ish water and 7'ish pounds of grain, that fuckin 5 gal bitch kettle was all full up know what i'm sayin?
FG 3 weeks later (July 20 2019) is 1.008. Very hazy and filled with hops. 2 oz combined Citra/Mosaic/Galaxy added July 14 and were in better bottle fermeneter for 6-7 days. Dropped temp to 58 for last 3 days.
Sample tasted really good. Hoppy bright pineapple juicy. Couldn't stop drinking it. It was totally full of hop particles hopefully they drop out in keg condnitioning.
looking at hop schedule I think something is off. I remember doing 3 oz total at flameout, then a 2 oz total dryhop. Don't remember if/what anything else I did.