SG = 15P/1.062. Ended right at 6 gallons wort; approximately 5.3 gallons to fermenter after hop loss. Fermentation started at around 12 hours after pitching.
On day 2 of fermenation, added 1st round of dry hops and 1L of Mango Juice (Sprouts, 100% juice, pasteurized, no preservatives). This added 116g or 0.255 lb of fermentable sugar, along with 0.27 gallons of liquid. This maintains our OG at ~1.062, give or take a point.
Day 9: Tasted for first time. FG = 8ºP / 1.032 in refractometer. This corrects to 3.7ºP or 1.014, for AA = 76% and ABV = 6.3%. Flavor was good, very hop heavy (thanks to some hop matter landing in the sample glasses). Mango was present, especially upfront, but not particularly strong. No hint of heat/chile flavor. Also very "juicy" in appearance. With that, added pectic enzyme and 1/2L more of mango juice. Chopped another dried habañero and soaked it in vodka. In 2 days will transfer beer to clean carboy and add habañero plus last round of dry hops.
Day 11: Gravity is steady. Added 2oz dry hops plus another habañero soaked in vodka, seeds and all. Added hops and chile to stainless mesh strainer to keep out of beer. Will transfer to keg on day 14.
Day 13: Tasted beer. Mango is nicely present but not dominant up front. Midpalate has plenty of hop character. Chile heat hits at the end; lands on the throat but dissipates soon. Elements seem to be in correct proportion, so will transfer to keg and get on CO2 tonight.