Style Guide: BJCP 2008
Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Light Body, No Mash Out
Boil Size: 6.0 gal, Equipment: 10 gal Mash Tun / Kettle (BIAB)
Est OG: 1.052 (12.8° P), Est FG: 1.009 (2.4° P)
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Mash thickness: 2.0 qt/lb. Strike temp 164.0 F, Grains lowered Mash to 158.0 F, Temp after 60 min 148.0 F. I covered the kettle with the lid and wrapped in clean blanket to preserve some heat (ambient air temp was 60.3 F). Squeazed bag then let bag sit in a strainer over a bucket to collet final drippings. S.G. 1.032 @ 110.0 F (temp correction = ). Topped off to 6.0 gal for the boil.
Once boil started added 1oz citra pellet hops & added drippings from bucket 15 minutes later.
Flameout cooled to 163.0 F added 1oz citra pellet hops and stirred to simulate a whirlpool, continued cooling to 75.0 F. Stirred vigorously 2 minutes in kettle. Poured into plastic bottling bucket/fermenter. Shook 1 minute. O.G. 1.040.
Pitched Safale US-05 @ 72.4 F. Brew belt set to 70.0 F. 15 days later added 1oz whole leaf Citra hops (used hop bag).
5 days after dry hopped drained into a bottling bucket and mixed with 3.9oz dextrose to prime. F.G. 1.008. Yielded 43 bottles. Storeage temp ranged from 66.0 F to 69.5 F
Served 14 days after bottling. Total time 5 weeks.