We went for a blonde doppelbock. The BJCP range for Dopplebock colour goes from 6-25 SRM, and on a lark we aimed for the lower end.
For our yeast we chose a bohemian lager, we decided that if we were going blonde, we might as well full send and use a light lager yeast. The yeast should produce distinct malt profile, a characteristic of doppelbocks, as well as fermenting at a low temperature, which is already a plus with a high gravity fermentation.
We stayed with noble hops and used Saaz a common hop used in doppelbocks. The lighter end of the style is described as slightly drier and hoppier so we went for the higher end of the IBU window close to 26.
Most of our Malt we chose light lovibond rated malts, our base is a mix of german vienna and pilsner malt which contribute little color in the way of SRM while adding the available sugars necessary for our high gravity beer. Munich is added for a bit of flavor while keeping the base malt preferred.
For our water profile, we chose a target of light colored and malty, our salt additions are to ensure a beer that is not dry but stays sweet and fondles the malt character.