3.5 gal mash water
2.5 gal sparge
- 1.5 gal absorption (5.33lb/gal rate)?
- 1 gal boil-off/trub?
3gal post-boil?
.75 quarts/lb absorption?
3.5gal mash
- turned out to be a really thin mash, could easily get away with 2.5gal of mash (.5gal too much)
OG = 1.046
Primary: 4/17/2019
Secondary: 4/24/2019
FG = 1.026 (apparent attenuation of 44% [of 81%])
Bottling: 4/30 (2.5gal total); 60g white table sugar in 1 cup water
ABV est = 2.66%
Nice lemon/citrus aroma, but greatly lacking in body - once swallowed, flavors disappear quickly; could be due to ABV, maybe swap out 2lb of 2-row for Munich? Also add lemon zest and/or lemon peel in secondary for more citrus flavor. Watch mash temp to keep it around 150-155F.