Gaylord Street Classic Gueuze - Beer Recipe - Brewer's Friend

Brewer's Friend


Gaylord Street Classic Gueuze

179 calories 15.2 g 12 oz
Beer Stats
Method: All Grain
Style: Gueuze
Boil Time: 120 min
Batch Size: 6 gallons (fermentor volume)
Pre Boil Size: 8 gallons
Pre Boil Gravity: 1.041 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 70% (brew house)
Source: Maugel/Hanson
Calories: 179 calories (Per 12oz)
Carbs: 15.2 g (Per 12oz)
Created: Thursday April 18th 2019
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
12 oz Rice Hulls12 oz Rice Hulls 0 0 5.5%
8.50 lb Dingemans - Pilsner (BE)8.5 lb Pilsner (BE) 36.8 1 61.8%
4.50 lb Rahr - Unmalted Wheat (BE)4.5 lb Unmalted Wheat (BE) 35.8 2 32.7%
13.75 lbs / 0.00
Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
4 oz Saaz (CZ)4 oz Saaz (CZ) Hops Leaf/Whole 0.5 Boil at 203 °F 120 min 6.78 100%
4 oz / 0.00
Other Ingredients
Amount Name Cost Type Use Time
6 g Gypsum Water Agt Mash 0 min.
5 g Calcium Chloride Water Agt Mash 0 min.
East Coast Yeast - BugFarm ECY01
1 Each
Attenuation (custom):
Optimum Temp:
60 - 74 °F
Fermentation Temp:
65 °F
Pitch Rate:
0.75 (M cells / ml / ° P) 231 B cells required
0.00 Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator
Target Water Profile
Balanced Profile
Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ Cl- SO4-2 HCO3-
0 0 0 0 0 0
Mash Chemistry and Brewing Water Calculator
Mash Guidelines
Amount Description Type Start Temp Target Temp Time
4.1 qt 143'F water (68' grain) Temperature -- 113 °F 20 min
4 qt Boiling water Infusion -- 136 °F 6 min
4 qt Boiling water Infusion -- 150 °F 30 min
6.5 qt Rise to 162, first runnings to boil kettle Infusion -- 162 °F 20 min
Starting Mash Thickness: 0.3 qt/lb
Quick Water Requirements
Water Gallons  Quarts
Strike water volume at mash thickness of 0.3 qt/lb 1.03 4.1  
Mash volume with grains 2.13 8.5  
Grain absorption losses -1.72 -6.9  
Remaining sparge water volume (equipment estimates 10.09 g | 40.4 qt) 8.94 35.8  
Mash Lauter Tun losses -0.25 -1  
Pre boil volume (equipment estimates 9.15 g | 36.6 qt) 8 32  
Boil off losses -3 -12  
Hops absorption losses (first wort, boil, aroma) -0.15 -0.6  
Post boil Volume 6 24  
Going into fermentor 6 24  
Total: 9.97 39.9
Equipment Profile Used: System Default

Cantillon Blend (possible Gaylord Street Blend):
17% 3yr (6 year, 1/28/2013)
33% 2yr (1 year, 4/23/2018)
50% 1yr (fresh)

Levi's Description - 10 gallon batch:

          Malt - 9.5 lbs<br />
            Wheat - 5 lbs<br />
                  |<br />

1.2 gallons |
H2O @ 144F -->It takes 15 to 20 min. to

          mix all the grain and H2O.<br />
          This results in mash<br />
          temperature of 113F.<br />
                  |<br />
          mash held at 113F for<br />
          10 min.<br />
                  |<br />

H2O @ 212F -->In ~6 min. enough H2O (.75 gallons)

          is added to bring the<br />
          mash to 136F<br />
                  |<br />
          In ~5 min. 0.4 gallons is<br />
          transferred to kettle #2 ----------------&gt;|<br />
                  |                               0.4 gallons in kettle #2<br />

H2O @ 212F -->In ~10 min. enough H2O (.75 gallons) is heated. during

          is added to bring the                   the heating it never<br />
          mash to 149F                            reaches 212F<br />
                  |                                 |<br />
          In ~35 min. 1.6 gallons is                |<br />
          transferred to kettle #2 ----------------&gt;|<br />
                  |                               an additional 1.6 gallons<br />

H2O @ 212F -->In ~10 min. enough H2O (1.3 gallons) is added to kettle #2

          is added to bring the                   and the heating of this<br />
          mash to 162F                            kettle continues.  it<br />
                  |                               never reaches 212F<br />
          mash held at 162F for                     |<br />
          20 min.                                   |<br />
                  |                                 |<br />
                  +----&gt; first runnings (2 gallons) |<br />
                         to kettle #1.  begin       |<br />
                         heating of this kettle     |<br />
                         for the boil               |<br />
                                                    |<br />
                                             transfer the contents<br />
                                             of kettle #2 back to<br />
                  |&lt;-------------------------the mash tun. At this<br />
                  |                          time the contents of<br />
          the mash is now                    this kettle has reached 176F<br />
          at 167F                           <br />
                  |<br />
          mash held at 167F for<br />
          20 min.<br />
                  |<br />
          recirculate the wort<br />
          in the mash tun to<br />
          clarify.<br />
                  |<br />
          sparge with 9 gallons of 185F H2O<br />
                  |<br />
          split wort between the<br />
          two kettles as it runs off.<br />
          kettle #1 will contain 8.67 gallons<br />
          total (including the 2 gallons<br />
          previously put there)  kettle #2<br />
          will contain 4.33 gallons total.<br />
                  |<br />
          add 3.75 ounces aged hops to kettle #1<br />
          only.  heat both kettles to boiling<br />
          and allow the volume to be reduced<br />
          by nearly 25% to yield a full batch size<br />
          of 10 gallons total between the two<br />
          kettles.  The contents of the two<br />
          kettles are blended together before<br />
          cooling overnight.<br />

Performing a Turbid Mash
Despite the turbid mash’s esotericism and reputation for complexity, it’s not really any harder than a decoction mash, and only one special piece of equipment is required: You’ll need to get your hands on a stuykmanden, which is the Flemish word for what essentially amounts to a large colander. So if you have a largish, fine-meshed colander or sieve, you’re all set.

Here’s a simple turbid mash schedule for preparing a basic lambic wort from a grist containing about 30 to 40 percent unmalted raw wheat. The process assumes you’re making a 5-gallon batch.

Protein Rest
Mash in at 113°F (45°C), aiming for a water-to-grist ratio of 0.25 to 0.30 quart (236 to 284 milliliters) per pound (454 g). This is a very thick mash, but you will thin it with hot-water infusions to raise the temperature. Hold at this temperature for 10–20 minutes.

Gelatinization Rest for Raw Wheat
Add enough boiling water to raise the temperature of the mash to about 137°F (58°C) and hold for 10 minutes.

First Turbid Draw
Push your stuykmanden (colander) down into the grain bed and allow liquid to flow into it. The liquid will be cloudy but should be mostly particle-free. Draw off about a quart (946 ml) of cloudy liquid and place it in a separate medium pot or saucepan. Heat this liquid to about 180°F (82°C) and hold it there. This high temperature halts enzymatic activity in the turbid portion and prevents further conversion.

Main Mash Beta Amylase Rest
Add more boiling water to the main mash to raise the temperature to 150°F (66°C) and hold for 30 minutes.

Second Turbid Draw
After half an hour, repeat the colander procedure and draw about 4 quarts (3.8 liters) of liquid from the main mash. Add this to the pot with the first collection of turbid wort, and once again, add enough heat to maintain 180°F (82°C), again to prevent further conversion.

Main Mash Alpha Amylase Rest
Back at the main mash, add enough boiling water to raise the temperature of the mash to about 162°F (72°C) and hold for another 30 minutes.

Mash Out
Raise the temperature of the turbid wort to 185°F (85°C) and return it to the main mash. This should raise the temperature of the mash to your normal sparging temperature of about 168°F (76°C)—add more boiling water if necessary. This will halt enzymatic activity. Hold at this temperature for 5–10 minutes before lautering and sparging.

After the mash is complete, vorlauf, lauter, and sparge as you normally would, but sparge with water that is hotter than usual, about 190°F (88°C). A hot sparge is necessary to gelatinize starches in the raw wheat and carry them into the kettle. Collect your usual pre-boil volume and proceed as usual.

The resulting wort is going to be very cloudy, almost milky in opacity. But with time, as your souring bugs chomp away on all of those starches, the beer will clarify. In a year or more, you’ll have surprisingly clear lambic that may be enjoyed on its own or blended with older lambics to create gueuze.

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  • Last Updated: 2019-04-25 17:23 UTC