All volumes are HOT volumes and no shrinkage calculations have been performed. 8.25 gallon boil size becomes a HOT 6.75 gallons in the kettle, after a boil-off of 1.5 gallons. All efficiencies are calculated hot. 6.75 gallons shrinks by 4% to become 6.48 gallons. 1 gallon is lost to hoses and chiller to become 5.48 gallons, which goes into the fermenter. With 0.5 gallons lost in the fermenter to yeast and trub, 5 gallons goes into the keg.
Chose RVA 261 (vs 262 which is a Wyeast 3711 equiv) because of personal correspondence with the company and this note at
Strike water infusion volume is 5.1 gallons. Sugar is a late addition, 10 minutes remaining in boil.
Average PPG (not including sugar) is 37 ptgal/lb. 37/46 = 80%. R = 1.7 x 2.09 = 3.55. e/(e+R) = 0.80/(0.80+3.55) = 18.3 Plato = 1.075 SG = expected maximum mash gravity.
12 lbs (ex. sugar) x 37 ppg x 0.88 + 0.31 lbs (sugar) x 46 = 404 points into the kettle. 404 / 8.25 = 1.049 pre-boil sg. (HOT). 8.25 gallons / 6.75 gallons 49 = 1.060 sg. 4% shrinkage = 4% increase in SG, SO... into the fermenter estimated gravity is 1.062.
0-minute hops addition means "add at flameout." (For hopping during whirlpool chilling.)
Chill wort to 80 degrees and pitch 1 vial of RVA 262 (Wyeast 3711 equivalent-Brasserie Thiriez,). Place temperature controller inside thermowell, set to 80. Use FermWrap.