This is a recipe long in the making. I gave my dad a custom homebrew beer for his birthday, and he likes strong specialty beers. And he wanted to combine it with his favorite childhood fruit: papaya. What I have learned in my research is that fruit is seldom combined with a strong malty beer like a Belgian Tripel. But what the heck, ey?
I've made a pretty straightforward tripel recipe and will add the papaya when the beer is racked to the second fermentor.
At first the recipe only called for Saaz (45 at 60min, 60 at 30min) but on the brewday I ran out. So I pulled the first hop I could find out of the freezer: Cascade. What the heck! Tried to weigh 22 grams but I overshot to 30 (32 actually). We'll see what it does.
It's brewed, it's in the fermentor, and now we wait!