Infuse water to the mash to obtain 152° for 60 minutes. Raise the temperature of the mash to 168° for 10 minutes for a proper mash out. Sparge the mash with 170° water to obtain a total boil kettle volume of 3.5 Gallons.
Heat the boil kettle to bring the wort up to 200°. As quickly as possible, cool the wort down to 95° and inoculate with lactobacillus bacteria. Maintain the 95° temperature for approximately 20 to 24 hours or until the pH reaches 3.5.
Bring the boil kettle to a complete boil and introduce the hops at 30 minutes. Once the boil is complete, chill to 68°. Oxygenate the work and pitch the Omega yeast strain.
After 21 days in primary fermentation, rack the beer into secondary and add 20 ounces of cleaned and sanitized black currants. Leave Currants for 10 to 14 days and then remove. Bottle or keg as necessary