5.3 gallons of Strike water
Heated Strike water to 160
Added grains
Mash set to 154 initially but temp was consistently reading 150-152 so I increased to 155 about 25 mins into mash
3.2 gallons of sparge water heated to 160
Photo 1: pre boil gravity
Photo 2: OG
Used too much sparge water and OG came out too low.
Pre boil gravity is 1.042
Collected about 7.25 gallons
Added 1tsp Gypsum and 2.5tsp Calcium Chloride to the boil.
Boiled 90 minutes to try to increase the gravity. Still had about 6.75 gallons at end of boil.
OG is 1.050
Pitched yeast directly w/o starter - imperial dry hop yeast strain
Keezer set to 66
1st dry hop added on day 3 (2oz mosaic and 1 oz Citra). Added loose.
Temp increased to 68 at time of 1st dry hop
2nd dry hop added on day 5 (2oz citra and 1 oz of mosaic). The 1st dry hop addition was still floating on the top so I added the citra in the hop basket and the mosaic in a bag. Both weighed down with marbles.
Temp increased to 70
On day 9 decreased temp to 35 to cold crash. Replaced blow off with air lock so I don’t draw in sanitizer with the negative pressure.
Kegged day 10. Back in keezer at 38 and set to 40 PSI with the gas line connected to the beer out post for 24 hours.