10 g CaCl2
5g MgSO4
I got 27L 1.068, efficiency 77% 09.02.2019
Ferm temp 12C
02.03.2019 1.018
6.8 %
evaluation (E2098, certified bjcp)
appeareance: 3/3
aroma: chocolate but covered with the esters. more chocolate needed and cleaner malt profile. change the yeast and ferment lower. age longer. 6/12
taste: good attenuation, roasty and chocolaty, balanced. lacks toffee and nutty. add more biscuity, brown, amber or melanoidin malt. bitterness in style. more attenuation, more alcohol. 15/20
mouthfeel too little carbonation. age longer and use very healthy yeast. 3/5
Overall: less protein, more carbonation, cleaner fermentation. 6/10
Total: 33/50.
Very good beer but not a winner. Will brew again, recipe will follow.