Mash grains and rice hulls (if using) at 122° F (50° C) and allow to rest 20 minutes for a protein rest. Pull 9 qt. (8.5 L) thick mash and slowly heat to bring to a boil over 20 minutes. Boil 15 minutes, and then blend into main mash. Adjust main mash temperature to 150° F (66° C) if necessary and hold 30 minutes. Mash out at 168° F (76° C). Sparge at 168° F (76° C).
Bring full wort volume to a boil; boil 90 minutes adding hops at stated intervals. Chill to 64° F (18° C) and oxygenate. Decant and pitch 64° F (18° C) yeast starter. Fit fermenter with blow-off device or allow at least 5 gal. (18.9 L) of headspace and/or use Fermcap to control foaming. Ferment at 64° F (18° C) until terminal gravity is reached. Rack, bottle with 1 cup (237 mL) dextrose or the appropriate amount of gyle, and warm condition bottles at 70–74° F (21–23° C) for one week. When full carbonation has been reached, store at cellar temperatures for at least one month.