Loosely aiming to replicate Weihenstephaner hefeweizen. Good notes are here: http://www.sillysir.com/recipe-weihenstephaner-hefeweissbier/. They recommend 60% wheat, 20% pilsen, 20% Munich for homebrew. Can't match that exactly with DME. Best match is to use mainly Briess Wheat DME (65% wheat, 35% base malt), and then add a little Munich malt. Recipe says target IBU is ~15 using Hallertau Mittelfrueh. But it has such low AA% it would require a huge amount. So substitute in Hallertau Tradition with 6.6% AA. To get a good balance of clove and banana esters, suggestion is to start the ferment cool (~16C) and then slowly heat up (to ~22C). Much over 22C may make it BANANARAMIC!