This recipe is using the thin mash (2qt/lb) (9.75gal) and minimal sparge (3gal) method. Standard base malt and roasted barley make up the bulk of the recipe with DME and molasses added to the boil to keep volumes within max mashtun while increasing the OG to within style guidelines. Molasses may not be traditional but we think it will add an interesting note while helping to achieve the style color. Use of EKG gets us to the low IBUs that the guidelines recommend. Using 1.5million cells/plato/ml calls for 8 packages of yeast to ferment this wort. We are also fermenting 5 degrees colder than the lowest optimum temperature recommended. Oxygen will be provided to maintain yeast health. Gypsum and CaCl is added to achieve the target water profile of Edinburgh. Lactic acid is added to achieve a target mash ph of 5.4.