Based on Tank 7 from Boulevard Brewing Company.
I first brewed this with Brettanomyces Lambicus. It was really, really good. Lots of fruit and bitterness. Quite earthy. Replace MO with Pilsner malt for a much, much crisper beer.
I pitch a huge amount of Brett into this without aerating it, leading to a very clean fermentation. I made a 1l starter that used about 8 days to ferment out (Brett Lambicus from White Labs is pretty agressive). It takes a couple of days for the yeast to settle down, brett isn't very good at flocculating. Keep an eye on FG to be sure it has fermented out properly when bottling.
The carafa malt is only to add a redish hue to the beer. Without it it might develop a light greenish hue, which isn't that nice (it gets quite pale - I like redish beers). The beer is quite foggy. I haven't tried adding anything to clear it out. Since there are no style guidelines - do as you please.
This beer will funk up over time. For a sweeter variant use Brett C which will not ferment out as dryly.