10/24/2018 12:57 PM over 6 years ago
-4 |
Yeast Starter |
4 Liters |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Prepared 4 liter starter at 5pm.
Requires 619 billion cells. 4L starter produces 675 billion cells.
Yeast was MFG on 10/9/18. Very fresh |
10/24/2018 1:07 PM over 6 years ago
-4 |
Other |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
For mash: will need 7.75 gallons of water, for 9 total gallons
Will need 7 gallons preboil |
10/28/2018 5:54 PM over 6 years ago
+0 |
Mash Complete |
8.75 Gallons |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Mash was all over the place. It began low at 145, then was raised too high to about 156 (it didn't stay at 156 but for 5-10 minutes at the most), then was lowered to 148 and fell too low at around 144. It was then raised to about 150 for 30 minutes at the end. Most constant temps were around 148-150, but they also became too high and too low.
Mash out was conducted at 160. Next time though, there is no need to mash out, and it could actually hurt the beer due to unfermentable sugars. We want this beer to ferment to 1.006 if at all possible.
I had about 1-2 quarts left of head space left in the kettle. Be sure to keep this in mind when doing another high gravity mash.
5.2 stabilizer added to mash |
10/28/2018 5:59 PM over 6 years ago
+0 |
Pre-Boil Gravity |
7.35 Gallons |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
10/28/2018 6:37 PM over 6 years ago
+0 |
Pre-Boil Gravity |
7.35 Gallons |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
with 2.5 candy sugar |
10/28/2018 8:50 PM over 6 years ago
+0 |
Boil Complete |
5.5 Gallons |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Didn't get an accurate hydrometer reading. Could have been as high as 1.091. Really it doesn't matter. |
10/29/2018 12:05 PM over 6 years ago
+1 |
Brew Day Complete |
5 Gallons |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Left about 0.5 gallons in the kettle due to trub. |
10/29/2018 12:08 PM over 6 years ago
+1 |
Other |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Yeast pitched at 9:00pm at 66. Setting at 63 for the first several hours
Aerated 60 seconds at 1/2 lpm |
10/29/2018 12:10 PM over 6 years ago
+1 |
Other |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
6am (+9) : Beer is fermenting (though no krausen yet - kinda strange). Airlock is bubbling pretty good. Wort at 62, FC raised from 63 to 65. Wort will be fermented at 65 for 24 hours, and then raised to 66 for 48 hours.
+12 (at 9am)
There is a very small amount of gunk from the previous brew on the inside of the fermenter. Hopefully it won't cause anything to infect the beer.
4pm (+19 hours) Temp was still low around 62-63, so I added heating belt and raised it to 66. Temp reached 66 by 9pm (+24)
Temp will probably hover around 65-66. Esters will probably be present, mild, and not overpowering. |
10/29/2018 1:17 PM over 6 years ago
+1 |
Other |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
7.5 gallons of distilled or RO water was used. About 1 gallon of unfiltered water was added to harden the water and reintroduce minerals. |
10/30/2018 12:26 PM over 6 years ago
+2 |
Other |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
6am (+33):
Temp at 66.
4pm (+43) Came home to a bit of a mess. Blowoff container over flowed.
9pm (+48) Temp still at 66, and I noticed it did raise to 66.8 |
10/31/2018 11:49 AM over 6 years ago
+3 |
Other |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
6am (+57)
Temp raised to 67.
4pm (+67) Blowoff activity has slowed a lot. Beer warmed to 69. |
11/1/2018 12:34 PM over 6 years ago
+4 |
Other |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
6am (+81): Forgot to check on the beer this morning. Temp is still at 69. Will raise temp to 75ish when I get home.
6pm: Temp raised to as high as 75. Will see tomorrow what the temp maxed out at.
Need to get a space heater |
11/2/2018 8:11 PM over 6 years ago
+5 |
Other |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
6am: fermenting fairly well still at 75
4pm: reached 80. Airlock is still going relatively strong for this far along.
Will hold at 80 until at least day 8 (11/4/18) or airlock/fermentation stops |
11/4/2018 11:39 AM over 6 years ago
+7 |
Other |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Still fermenting well at 80 degrees. 1 bubble in block off every 2-3 seconds |
11/7/2018 1:42 PM over 6 years ago
+10 |
Other |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Fermentation has slightly slowed to 1 every 3 seconds. It is still holding strong at 80. |
11/11/2018 2:41 AM over 6 years ago
+14 |
Fermentation Complete |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Blow off was still a bubble every 3-4 seconds, but I noticed relatively little activity in the carboy, so I checked FG and moved to closet at 65 degrees to let settle.
Very, very good flavor. Relatively little alcohol warmness considering abv. Nice malty profile with little esters. Did notice a ester profile, but it blended well with the other malts. Hop bitterness balances well but takes a back seat, surprisingly. |
11/28/2018 1:18 PM over 6 years ago
+31 |
Other |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Cold crash began. It took a long time for the yeast to fall out of suspension. |
11/29/2018 12:58 PM over 6 years ago
+32 |
Packaged |
4.7 Gallons |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
About .3 gallons lost to trub. Next time do 5.5 gallons.
Put on 7 psi for 2.3 volumes CO2. Will allow to carbonate for at least a week. Will take a long time to drink, and the longer the better! |
12/3/2018 1:49 PM over 6 years ago
+36 |
Tasting Note |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Flavor is really coming together (though still not carbonated). Alcohol warmth is decreasing, while the sweetness from the Belgian candi sugar is becoming more interesting. Flavors of beets, raisins, and plums are fairly pronounced, but not so strong that it isn't refreshing and easy to drink.
Will be very good for Christmas and Christmas break. |
12/6/2018 1:24 PM over 6 years ago
+39 |
Tasting Note |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Almost carbonated. Flavor is really coming together. Alcohol warmth is becoming more and more mild. Sweetness is VERY pleasant. |
12/13/2018 6:03 PM over 6 years ago
+46 |
Other |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
CO2 put at 18 psi to bump carbonation up to 3.3 |
12/16/2018 5:30 PM over 6 years ago
+49 |
Tasting Note |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Tastes great. Carbonated to 2.7 certainly makes it more digestible. |
12/17/2018 1:31 AM over 6 years ago
+50 |
Tasting Note |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Carbonation has probably hit around 3.3. There's a lot of head on the beer, and the flavor is great, with a mild alcohol warmth. Carbonation might need to be increased.
Definitely needs to be aged in cold storage for a year, as the alcohol really comes through. |
1/8/2019 3:28 PM over 6 years ago
+72 |
Tasting Note |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Flavor has been extremely good after the +60 day mark. Alcohol is barely noticeable, and blends well with the Belgian candi sugar and carbonation. Exactly what I was looking for in this beer. Will have to brew again. Only a few more pints remaining. |
1/25/2019 2:57 PM over 6 years ago
+89 |
Other |
2/20/2021 3:43 AM over 4 years ago
Keg kicked. About 12 ounces still left in the fridge for a snowy day. |