Brewed 11/16/2013 Hit mash temp at 154 and recirculated about 3/4 of a gallon. Hit 5.2 pH on the dot. Pre-boil gravity was 1.050 which puts it at about 79% efficiency. I got a little less boil volume (8 gal) than usually, probably due to the absorption rate of the oats. I used Greg's chugger pump for recirculating and to sparge with and it worked really well. No problems with stuck sparge. It might have been why my efficiency went up but it's possible because I boiled less. I hit 5.75 on the dot. I also cooled the wort down to about 68F because I had some extra ice. First day temp was dropped down to about 62F and by evening had raised up to about 65F. Day two the brew was about 56 or 66F. Day 3 fermentation started to slow down a lot so I let it drift up to 68F and in the evening I took it out of the swamp bath. Day 4 it's at 70/71F. Bottled on 12/1/13 and then kegged a little bit of the excess. Got 24 bombers and 7 twelves on the bottle. Carbed it to 2.1 volumes of C02. Bottle Code OMS.