30L starting water; preboiled to reduce bicarbonate but not much residue - poss not enough boiling and agitation time. next time add slaked lime, as boiling took too long anyway. added 3tsp CaCl and 1tsp MgSo4
split 20L for mash and 10L for sparge
20L strike water 70C for mash temp of 66
mash 66 for 60mins
sparge water 75C (set kettle at 70 to get 75; need to recalibrate)
boiled only for 30mins b4 hops additon as wanted some hot break for haze and litle more volume for fermenter after trub (large last time)
whirlpool for 20mins at 80C with 100g citra
postboil reading 23C 1056 so adjust temp +0.0016 so 1057.6
pitched around 6pm at 25C, hot day so couldn't get much lower before going into fermnter set at 18C
24hrs later VERY active fermentation, no blow over but boiling-like bubble frequency. 48hrs post pitch this slowed dramatically so took reading with tilt thermometer and it read 1005 at 20C so about 1006, seems too low. Added 1st dry hop
Dry hop twice 50g citra, each for 3 days contact, first 2 days after active fermentation
Gravity 1022 at 17.5C at day 5 post fermentation, all activity stopped. Tastes great though. Added other hop addition, swirled a little and increased temp to 22 for the next 3 days.
At 1020/2 after extra 3 days. Doesn't seem to be budging so bottling up. Carbed to 2.0vol, 4g/L so 96g in 500ml for 32 750ml bottles 24 lts. However only 21lt in fermentor, so added around 75g of it and bottled 21 bottles in end, quite a bit of yeasty beer left at end