Salt additions as below, into 10 Liters of RO Water provide the target profile which is a slightly shifted version of Light Colored and Hoppy.
Mash fraction is 7 liters, the sparge is 3 liters.
Being as the quantities are, small, 10% w/v stock solutions or suspensions were prepared, and volumes of the stock will be added to water to attain the desired water chemistry. (note 10% Nacl tends to exhibit microbial growth after a few weeks, so make fresh)
Gypsum: 2 g CaSO4•2H2O ~0.4 tsp
Epsom salt: 0.25 g MgSO4•7H2O ~0.1 tsp
Table salt: 0.25 g NaCl ~0.0 tsp
Calcium chloride: 0.75 g CaCl2•2H2O ~0.2 tsp
Brew Date 6/26/18 this boil was done in a double boiler system and the actual temperature for the 75 minutes was 204 F
yeast pitch 6/27 ferm temp 67 +/- 1 F
Dry Hop date 7/4/18 _7 day
Dry Hop date 7/8/18_3 day
Sensory Profile Very Good Aroma, Taste and Mouthfeel. Very Clean
Superior to A side by side brew Using Rahr 2 row very slight astringency and grainy character