Mangrove Jack's Apple Cider
- As per instructions
- Concentrate added to fermenter
- 4L boiling water from pot added to juice concentrate and mixed with sterile brewing spoon, add 1kg dextrose and mix until dissolved
- Topped up to 22L (recipe says 23) with cold water from tap - didn't want to overfill the keg
Temp 19.0oC, pitched packet of dry yeast - MO2
- sterilise packet and scissors
Didn't add sweetener
Temp in fridge set to 22oC (probe on outside of bucket)
Pitch: 19.0oC with DRY yeast at 1835hrs on 14.7.18
OG: 1.046, 11.6 Brix
Next time:
- rehydrate yeast in pre-boiled water prior