-37 liters took 45 minute to reach a boil. Going to boil off for 1 hour, then we will add the first set of hops of Citra for 15 grams for 60 minute boil.
-So we used 37 liters of water with 7 kilos total of malt. 6 kilos of pale ale malt and 1 liter of caramel amber malt. Waiting for boil, we want to boil of 10 liters. So boil for 120 minutes down to 27 liters, wait until 60 minutes after to add hops.
-The OG was 1.044, that was too low. We used just under 2 kilos of sugar to take up the OG. Took that up to 1.058, hopefully will end with a 1.016 FG, then we will have a 5.6 ABV... No more dry hoping this round.
2nd time - 1.070 OG, so hoping for 1.020 FG = 6.8 ABV, not too bad. Letting ferment for 7 days then going to dry hop for 5 days with 20g of Amirrilo and 30g of Citra. Total of 50g of hops, so the first hop of bitters is only 10% of the entire hop bill. The FG was 1.020 so an ABV of 6.8%, figure 7.0% after 2nd fermentation. Very excited about this beer.
I went way to heavy on the malt with 11.5 kilos, taking it down to 8.0 kilos. They body of it was just too thick. Going to keep the hops the same.