Heat 1 Gallon water to 110 F and mix with Honey in a 7 Gal fermenting bucket. Shake to thoroughly mix and aerate. Add yeast nutrient and additional water 1 Gallon at a time, aerating after each addition, to a total of 6 Gal.
Use 1/4 cup of must to rehydrate Lalvin D-47 yeast. Chop raisins and cranberries, and add to must. Add yeast; primary fermentation should take between 14-21 days.
Rack to secondary with 2 Lbs of cranberries, ginger, orange peel, and cinnamon in a sanitized mesh bag for 10-14 days.
Rack to tertiary with pectic enzyme and fining agent for 7 days. Cold Crash if necessary for clarity before bottling. Add Potassium Sorbate at bottling to kill yeast and backsweeten if necessary.
OG 1.080
IntG 1.004 IntABV 10.5%