Different from Zelazny's recipe by the addition of tart cherry juice and orange peel. These two ingredients are added to the secondary fermentation along with the vanilla bean and cinnamon sticks.
For the dried cherries, recipe states to soak the fruit in the first 2 quarts of wort runnings for 30 minutes. Strain out the cherries and add the solution to the end of the boil. In a previous batch, I had kept the cherries and added those into the primary fermenter. It didn't hurt and it sure seemed to help. And this works better than adding the dried fruit to the wort.
Recipe states to mash at 152 degrees for 60 minutes. Mash out (sparge) at 168 degrees for 10 minutes. Don't forget to soak the cherries in mash runnings. Add DME and maple syrup when wort starts to boil. Obtain SG. Boil for 60 minutes. Add hops at beginning. Add strained cherry juice at end of boil. Obtain SG.
Chill wort. No additional water should be necessary. Obtain SG. Pitch yeast. Add cherries. Seal and let ferment.
At 10 days or so, transfer to secondary fermenter. Add vanilla, cinnamon sticks, tart cherry juice, orange peel. Let ferment at least two more weeks. Measure SG. If SG is at target, filter from carboy, mix with priming sugar, and bottle.