60% Weyermann Wheat malz
35% Weyermann Barke Pils
5% Weyermann carahell
Step mash (though decoction is tradional and still used, be wary of color pick up though).
30 minute rest at 114 (to enhance esters and clove)
then step up though beta
147 for 30-40
163 for 30
Do not adjust pH at all let it ride.
Soft water, I like 40ish ppm ca, 70cl, 20na.
FG 1.010
Pristine wort preboil, soft boil 60minutes
A 60min addition of hallertau mittlefruh, to about 12-14ibu
hot and cold break separation
5ppm 02, 1 smack pack per 5g of 3068
Ferment at 68F (to enhance banana)
Spund or Krausen to 4 vols.