Chocolate Starfish - Hot Chocolate White Stout - Beer Recipe - Brewer's Friend

Brewer's Friend


Chocolate Starfish - Hot Chocolate White Stout

258 calories 35.2 g 12 oz
Beer Stats
Method: All Grain
Style: Experimental Beer
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 5.5 gallons (fermentor volume)
Pre Boil Size: 8 gallons
Pre Boil Gravity: 1.050 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 70% (brew house)
Calories: 258 calories (Per 12oz)
Carbs: 35.2 g (Per 12oz)
Created: Thursday May 31st 2018
Amount Fermentable Cost PPG °L Bill %
11 lb United Kingdom - Maris Otter Pale11 lb Maris Otter Pale 38 3.75 68.8%
1.50 lb Flaked Oats1.5 lb Flaked Oats 33 2.2 9.4%
1.50 lb American - Caramel / Crystal 40L1.5 lb Caramel / Crystal 40L 34 40 9.4%
1.50 lb Flaked Barley1.5 lb Flaked Barley 32 2.2 9.4%
0.50 lb Lactose (Milk Sugar)0.5 lb Lactose (Milk Sugar) - (late boil kettle addition) 41 1 3.1%
16 lbs / 0.00
Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
0.88 oz Columbus0.88 oz Columbus Hops Pellet 15 Boil 60 min 45.79 63.8%
0.25 oz Kent Goldings0.25 oz Kent Goldings Hops Pellet 5 Boil 30 min 3.33 18.1%
0.25 oz Kent Goldings0.25 oz Kent Goldings Hops Pellet 5 Boil 10 min 1.57 18.1%
1.38 oz / 0.00
Other Ingredients
Amount Name Cost Type Use Time
2.10 g Baking Soda Water Agt Mash 1 hr.
4.90 g Calcium Chloride Water Agt Mash 1 hr.
3.80 g Epsom Salt Water Agt Mash 1 hr.
2.30 g Gypsum Water Agt Mash 1 hr.
2 oz Dutched Cocoa Powder Flavor Boil 15 min.
0.50 each Whirfloc Water Agt Boil 15 min.
4 tbsp Yeast Nutrient Other Boil 15 min.
4 oz Cacao Nibs Flavor Secondary 7 days
4 oz (Light roast) Whole Coffee Beans Flavor Secondary 2 days
White Labs - English Ale Yeast WLP002
1 Each
Attenuation (avg):
Very High
Optimum Temp:
65 - 68 °F
Fermentation Temp:
68 °F
Pitch Rate:
0.75 (M cells / ml / ° P) 288 B cells required
0.00 Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator
Target Water Profile
Balanced Profile
Ca+2 Mg+2 Na+ Cl- SO4-2 HCO3-
80 5 25 75 80 100
Mash Chemistry and Brewing Water Calculator
Mash Guidelines
Amount Description Type Start Temp Target Temp Time
5.8 gal Infusion -- 158 °F 60 min
2.9 qt Sparge -- 170 °F 15 min
Starting Mash Thickness: 1.5 qt/lb
Quick Water Requirements
Water Gallons  Quarts
Strike water volume at mash thickness of 1.5 qt/lb 5.81 23.3  
Mash volume with grains 7.05 28.2  
Grain absorption losses -1.94 -7.8  
Remaining sparge water volume (equipment estimates 3.39 g | 13.5 qt) 4.38 17.5  
Mash Lauter Tun losses -0.25 -1  
Pre boil volume (equipment estimates 7.01 g | 28 qt) 8 32  
Volume increase from sugar/extract (late additions) 0.04 0.2  
Boil off losses -1.5 -6  
Hops absorption losses (first wort, boil, aroma) -0.05 -0.2  
Post boil Volume 5.5 22  
Going into fermentor 5.5 22  
Total: 10.19 40.8
Equipment Profile Used: System Default

At start of fermentation, begin soaking 8oz of cacao nibs in vodka. After primary fermentation is complete, add cacao nibs tincture and coffee beans to fermenter during secondary (for the remainder of fermentation).

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  • Last Updated: 2019-06-08 13:47 UTC