First of my own recipes - open for tweaking. Was originally intending to create a red IPA, but ended up with more bitter notes and a more brown color. I call this a "Fruit Pale Ale."
Spice - Due to my friends not enjoying spicy beer, I usually do not add the seeds in my brewing. However, in small batches, I have found the seeds of one jalapeno provide a nice undercurrent of heat.
Boil - BE SURE TO STIR. DO NOT LET THE HONEY SCORCH. I prefer a local honey, based on a hop harvest. I personally like this choice. Alternatives I have tried include lavender/hibiscus/clover honey (hops murder the subtle flavors) and a local honey from a wildflower medley - skip on the galaxy/hops and only boil the citra for 1-2 minutes if you want a bit more of the honest flavors to shine through.
Fermenting Steps
Primary - Pour UNFILTERED WORT into primary. Wait one week at least, 10 days max.
Secondary - When transferring to secondary, try and remove most of the puree - it should have settled. The addition of the mango juice and jalapeno slices should allow for fruit flavor and sugar additions for fermentation to continue.
Bottling - Bottled, stored for 2 weeks at 68-72F.
Serving - Chilled. Great with summertime seasonal meals. If made spicy, it is a great pairing during wintertime with cali-mex food.