This is an all grain brekfast stout recipe converted to extract by me. I live in grand rapids and I can buy breakfast stout year round, I love it. The way I actually made it was by steeping 2 oz. kona beans and .5 oz williamette after flameout for 20 min. the coffe flavor is much stronger than the real stuff but I like it. And I accidentally used kona in primary and I could not find sumatra coffe for secondary so I used java beans. one thing i dislike about breakfast stout is that it is sweeter than i prefer. This recipe i did not think was sweet, closer to son of a baptist coffe stout with cacao nibs swetness and flavor, which is great. If you notice i put oats in the grain description, what I did was a mini mash. Combine all grains and mash at 156F with 1 lb of the LME for 45 min in 6qt water. sparge with 6 qt water at 168F. The lme is necessary in the mini mash for the oats to give the proper profile to the beer, I did this in a pot on an electric stove, make sure to turn the grain sock over every 5 or 10 min to avoid scorching the bottom of it. (mine slightly scorched and it was still good/ not noticeable)primary 4 weeks and secondary with beans 1 week. If you do it with 20 min bean steep after flameout you will have a beer that is not like breakfast stout, instead much more coffee profile, the original recipe can be found here:
any questions pm me, I am not on often but I will reply when I see it.
one more thing: add 4 lb malt after the minimash is done, bring the wort to a boil remove from heat and add lme while pot is removed from heat. dissolve completely and return to boil then add first hop addition. add 5 lb lme to wort for 10 min the same way
Btw this is my first ever brew, about 30 hours of research went into education before i decided I had enough education to brew anything. Also the best advice I got for beer turnout is this: ( curtousy of (nosybear)
these are the main factors to its flavor:
- Sanitation
- Temperature control during fermentation
- Yeast health, including how much you pitch
- Keeping a good boil going, and,
- The recipe.