lacto starter = 200g DME in 2L filtered water, chill to 82.5F, hold at 82.5F for 2 days (No stir plate, room temp per
Mash at 149°F (63°C) for 90 minutes, drain, and sparge to yield 11 gallons (38l). Transfer to boil kettle. Boil for 15 minutes while circulating through cooling coil the entire boil (to sanitize it). Cool to 32C.
pitch lacto starter into wort and hold at 28C while circulating with pump, cover with saran warp, blanket a little co2. test for sourness after 48 hours
siphon off 2L (1L/ea) into separate capped bottles for saving the lacto culture
boil 15 minutes for sterilization while circulating through chiller, add sugar (if efficiency is low) and then add whirlfloc/fermcap
transfer 5 gallons to passionfruit keg, 5 gallons to pineapple keg, pitch yeast and ferment at 18C with spunding set at 15psig.