The aim here was to try an IPA that was entirely late hopped.
1/3 of the Mosaic went in at 15 min (I boiled for 45 min previously, but was this necessary?)
1/3 went in for a 50 min hop stand at flameout - temp was about 95c to start, cooling to about 80 by the end of the stand.
Then the plan was for the remaining 1/3 as dry hop.
Efficiency was low - 63% or so - possibly because the hops were all pellet and without any leaf hops to soak up the wort, I got a lot of wort out of the kettle.
So as I was low on OG, I added 250g of DME to increase it
Also I ran out of whirlfloc tablets, so none used here. * though actually, it was pretty clear by the time it came out of the bottle.
Taste was very good - hoppier than I usually manage and noticeably less bitter. Actually, I could have used more hops here