Steep grains in 1 gallon of water at 160-165°F for 30 minutes, then remove and rinse grains with hot water.
Stir in DME and dextrose and top up kettle to 1.5 gallons. Bring to a boil. Add hops as indicated. Bring water back up to 1.5 gallons at each hop addition to keep IBUs in range. Ideally, maintain 1.5 gallons for most of boil.
After a 90 minute boil, add chilled water (distilled/sterilized) to bring batch size up to 2.5 gallons. Continue to chill wort until it reaches 68°F.
Draw wort sample for SG testing.
Transfer to fermenter.
Pitch two packages/vials of yeast and aerate well. If liquid yeast is more than 10 days old, use 3 vials. Ferment at 68°F until fermentation activity subsides, then rack to secondary or remove trub.
Add first set of dry hops on top of the racked beer and age 14 days. Add the second of dry hops to the first on day 9 and age five more days. Remove all hops on day 14. Wait one more day to allow for sediment to settle.
Prepare to bottle or keg the beer. Calculate volume of beer. Prepare priming sugar for volume at a rate of 25 grams table sugar per gallon. First, dissolve sugar in water (25g/100g water) by quick boil. Cool sugar. Rack beer to bottling vessel with priming sugar already in it OR remove trub and add priming sugar with a gentle stir with sanitized utensil.
Condition in bottles for two weeks.