Snark Lord is quite a huge Imperial Stout! As a delicious,
complex beer, there are a few special instructions for making sure this one comes out as close to the commercial version as possible. One pound of a sugar (not included) is added at the last 10 minutes of the boil. We recommend
jagggery, a non-centrifugal cane sugar. Jaggery goes by a number of names and can often be found in Indian or Asian grocery stores. However, you might try turbinado sugar or molasses as a substitute. The two included
vanilla beans can be cut open, scraped and added to the boil, soaked in enough vodka to cover for a few weeks then the resulting tincture added into the secondary at bottling time, or both! The 4 oz of included coffee can be cold steeped in about a quart of water by coarsely crushing the coffee beans (a sandwich bag and a rolling pin or coffee cup work well for this), adding them to the quart of water, and refrigerating for up to 24 hours. You can then
strain out the coffee beans and add the cold steeped coffee to the secondary or in the bottling bucket/keg at packaging time