Original Recipe:
Converted to extract because i am not setup for all-grain. Few alterations to the grain bill to accommodate the liquid malt in place of 2 row, and lowered the flaked oats to be more proportionate. Not making an oatmeal stout here...
chose an irish ale yeast because i was familiar with it from FRIZ, enjoy the flavor profile.
(To be amended)
separate the cookies, scrape out the cream. liquefy the cream. Uncrushed cookies go in the boil at 20. Liquid cream (at room temp) goes in at 10. May amend to 5 to be with lactose.
I was warned the oils in the cookies may affect my head, so will have to watch for that. in future may look in to a way around this. was told simply not to use the cream, but we know that's not an option ;)